A Day in the Life of a Blonde

Just the mindless wanderings of a blonde!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

My visit to the geriatric department at the Rockyview Hospital

Okay, for those looking for a more serious version of my hospital visit, go to www.ourlittleweeone.blogspot.com I have included the details of the visit there, but while I was in the hospital some HILARIOUS things were happening, that I have to share. Yes, despite the stabbing pain in my chest and the inability to even walk to the washroom by myself, I found humour in a not-so-humourous situation.

Okay, so I got in the ER at 6:00 a.m. I was admitted quickly. As I was walking to my room, I noticed that I was the youngest in the ER at the time by about 60 years. Seriously, as the day progressed, I could hear the nurses talking about the other patients and most of them were in their 80s and 90s. Throughout the day we could hear this poor old lady saying things like "Don't leave me alone." "I don't want to be by myself." We felt SO bad for this poor lady with no family. Then, another lady was brought in because she had fallen and broken a few bones in her body. I heard the nurse on the phone with her family and the nurse was saying "She hasn't been very nice to anyone. She is being quite mean." She didn't really know where she was. People kept asking her if she knew where she was and she didn't.

Early in the afternoon I was finishing my nuclear x-ray and they wheeled me out into the hallway to wait for a porter to come and move me back to my room in the ER. As I was waiting there, the lady in the bed next to me was saying "Please don't leave me." "Where is my son?" "I don't want to die here." "Where are you?" "Somebody help me." "Help me." "I can't die here." It was so sad. I wanted to get out of my bed and help her, but I couldn't. Then a porter came and took her away, and a few minutes later they took me away. As it turns out that was the same old lady who was talking about not dying earlier, she was my next door neighbour in the ER.

So I get back to the ER and Brian and I start hearing the old lady, who I named Edna (the one who didn't want to die) saying "Pleeeeaaasseeee don't let me die here." "Where is my son?" And from across the hall we hear the lady I named Bertha (the one with broken bones) say "Shut up!" Brian and I weren't sure we heard her right. Again, "Shut up!" Bertha was telling Edna to shut up! So sad. Then Edna just kept saying "I don't wannnnnnaaa die!!!!" And Bertha kept telling her to shut up because no one wanted to hear about it. Then, a few nurses went in to help Bertha and she told them to "Get out!" Another nurse went in to help and Bertha said "You too, Fatty." Seriously, this was going on. Brian and I were busting up laughing, but with a stabbing pain in my chest it hurt a lot. I almost had Brian shut the door to my room because I couldn't laugh anymore.

At least my time in the hospital had a few funny memorable moments in it. I figure in life you just have to find the funny things, or else you would be really boring. Anyway, that is the story!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

A Parakeet??????????

You Are A: Parakeet!

parakeetThis popular bird is kept as a pet in homes all over the world. Originating from Australia, parakeets like warm weather and lots of seeds and fruit. They are also known for being messy and quite loud! But you cannot look at one without falling in love.

You were almost a: Squirrel or a Frog
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a LambTake the Cute Animal Test!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

100 Things about me...(1-25)

I saw this on another blog, Alyson's blog, and I thought I would do it too. What the heck!

1. I am the baby of seven kids.
2. I was adopted when I was 1.
3. I am one class/exam away from being a certified ballet teacher (I don't have many regrets in life, but this is one of them).
4. I have my Grade 7 in piano.
5. I can only play songs from the Children's Songbook, and a few hymns after all those years of piano. (Yes, my mom always told me I would regret quitting, and I do.)
6. I am the assistant head coach in Rythmic Gymnastics for Special Olympics, and I love it!
7. I have never broken a bone.
8. I have only been in the hospital once in my life overnight, and it was just before our wedding, I had pancreatitis.
9. I have two cats, Inde and Squishie.
10. My favourite food is Chinese food from the Dynasty in Lethbridge; no other Chinese food has come close yet.
11. My favourite colour is green.
12. I hate mushrooms.
13. I hate seafood.
14. I love steak, and I can eat anyone under the table.
15. The biggest steak I have had was 22 ounces, and I had it done before everyone else was even half-way through their meals.
16. My favourite band currently is Simple Plan.
17. My favourite band of all time is The Barenaked Ladies.
18. My favourite movie is Princess Bride.
19. The movie I don't like that I have seen most recently was Napleon Dynamite.
20. I miss the autumn in St. Louis.
21. My dream career-wise is to be a family law arbitrator.
22. I was going to go back to school in January, in psychology, but our little announcement has changed those plans temporarily.
23. My favourite candy is PayDays or Skor bars.
24. I have never had a cavity.
25. I am deathly afraid of large bodies of water.

I give up on Calgary drivers...

Okay, here's the rule...if you are driving, on a road, in Calgary, please, do NOT reach into the back seat of your car and rummage around for something, while looking in your backseat for that something, for a few seconds while you are going 100 Ks an hour. You will almost kill many people.

On my way to coaching for Special Olympics yesterday, this girl, same age as me, several times reached in to the backseat and looked for something, with one had on the wheel, and her head looking in the back seat WHILE WE WERE GOING DOWN THE DEERFOOT! Hello? Does this make sense? You couldn't get past her, because you didn't know which was she was going to swerve. Scary.

How do some people get licenses?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It is a good thing I can't afford Holt Renfrew -- I wouldn't go there after this!

So hubby and I have often had the discussion about how it seems that people are having kids because that's what you do after you have a house and a car and a great job. You have kids so that you can take them to staff functions and they look good. It is kind of a status thing. I know far too many lawyers that have nannies. To those lawyers I want to ask "Do you know what your child's favourite colour is?" Really, how much can you know about your kids when you work 18 hours a day? Anyway, it isn't just lawyers. But our society seems to think that you need to have a two-income household to survive. While I will have to work for a few more years, I'm not working so we can have all the nice stuff...I am working so that my husband can get out of school sometime. He can't work full time because he goes to school full time and volunteers with Special Olympics and church. Trust me, I don't want to go back to work, but I will for a while. That is different than what I see going on in society. I think children would do far better off with their moms at home, than with a nanny or in a daycare wearing the most stylish clothes and having the best toys. Maybe I'm old fashion.

The whole point of this rant was an article that Brian brought home that hits home exactly what I think is going on in society today. It was in the Calgary Herald about a month ago.

Upscale retailer Holt Renfrew & Co., which has reintroduced pricey clothing for babies and kids has stumbled into some unfortunate language. In fact, it might want to rethink its communications strategy.

In a recent interview, Holt's president, Caryn Lerner, noted the upscale retailer is back in kids clothing because: "Kids are becoming accessories, and I don't mean that in a negative way, but they are a reflection of their parents."

Children are mere additions to one's lifestyle, like a Gucci handbag or Prada wallet? Good grief. Let's hope not.

Alberta is a consumer-friendly province. With no provincial sales tax and high disposable income, it's a retailer's paradise. However, our citizens are also properly protective of their children. Lerner might want to use different language in the future, or at least get advice from a public relations firm.

After all, kids never go out of fashion."

CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE ACTUALLY SAID "Kids are becoming accessories"? I am astounded. Anyway, I was really outraged by this before I found out I was expecting a little one, now I want to go and punch this Caryn Lerner moron.

People having kids because that's just what you do, not because you want a baby and you want a family, is one reason we have so many young disfunctional families, I think.

Just a rant from a pregnant blonde who always has an opinion.

Monday, October 03, 2005

People are stupid

So, hubby and I are driving down Macleod Trail on Saturday on our way home. We were in the second-from-the-right lane minding our own business when we notice a car in the merging lane who was right next to us and she was neither speeding up or slowing down in order to get ahead of us. The merging lane is ending very quickly and she decides it's about time she gets her car into our lane, then without signalling until she is actually half-way into our lane, she almost hits us. We pull up next to her in order to share some advice we have with her via our middle fingers and she has NO IDEA she almost hit us. She is busy doing something else in her car. We continue on our merry way. Then a little bit down the road we are next to her and she swerves into our lane again, almost hitting us again, this time I am going to share my feelings with her whether she likes it or not. I turn around to flip her the bird when I notice the exact reason she has not been paying attention on the road -- SHE IS FLOSSING HER TEETH. I kid you not. Mirror down and she is flossing. Now, being a dentist's daughter, I can appreciate the want for good oral hygeine, but FLOSSING WHILE GOING 80 KM/HR? PEOPLE ARE STUPID.