A Day in the Life of a Blonde

Just the mindless wanderings of a blonde!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

No sugar? Are you CRAZY??????

Okay, so I'm on week 1 of the South Beach Diet -- the first few days were okay. I survived pretty easily, followed the directions pretty good. Today is day 5, and although I'm down seven pounds in five days, I have an awful headache from carb/sugar withdrawl! I didn't realize how much sugar and carbs I enjoy every day. Seriously, this has been an enlightening time for me. It is not a low carb or low fat diet, totally different. But the first two weeks are a detox so no carbs or sugar in any form for me! All in all, though, I must say, I feel great. I haven't felt tired in the afternoons like I usually do around 3, when I want to curl up with my kitties and take a nap. But this headache needs to go away! Anyway, I know a few people that have done this, and while I'm not a big fan of diets, this is my first one ever, and I am enjoying it! I don't feel starved and I am losing weight -- love that! Also, I have been seeing the inside of my gym more frequently, which is helping too.

Anyway, enough babbling about weight stuff -- I'm thinking of going back to school. Seriously, I am. Brian and I have talked about it, and I think I am going to start taking some night classes in January. Probably in psychology -- same as hubby is in, but I just think I need to get my degree. Anyway, that's life for this blonde chicita right now!


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