A Day in the Life of a Blonde

Just the mindless wanderings of a blonde!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

A house -- and it could be ours?????

Well, I have worked out twice this week, and I plan on going today! We did the before pictures on Thursday -- I am motivated!!!!!!!

Anyway, that's not the big exciting news today -- we found a house -- well, okay, so it's a townhouse -- but it could be ours! WE LOVE IT! There is nothing we would have to change in it -- it feels like a home!

If you want to see it --


The pictures on there don't do it justice -- it is SO nicely renovated. And, the big seller for us -- NO CONDO FEES! It is in Midnapore, which is farther south than we would have wanted -- but it is fabulous! And the basement is finished, BUT it is just a big open room, so HELLO studio! For those that didn't know, I'm a photographer www.devynnbohnphotography.com

Anyway, click on the link and let me know what you think!


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